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Webinar: The new Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill 2 – The temporary COVID-19 provisions and new provisions on supply contracts – 11 June 2020

How will the new Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill affect your practice and your clients’ businesses?

Join Radcliffe Chambers Restructuring and Insolvency for two one-hour webinars on the key changes in the proposed legislation.

The webinars will be hosted by James Morgan KC and Christopher Boardman KC and will feature members of our restructuring and insolvency team providing short, targeted updates on the most important aspects of the Bill.

Our speakers will be:

Reuben Comiskey
Matthew Weaver
Katie Longstaff
Lauren Kreamer.

As always, there will be plenty of opportunity for the attendees to ask questions and share their experiences.

This is the second webinar, which will take place 5pm – 6pm on Thursday 11 June and will focus on the temporary COVID-19 provisions, including in relation to wrongful trading and winding up, and the new provisions on supply contracts. To attend, please register your interest on Zoom, via this link.

You can find details of the first webinar here.

Please note that you should register separately for each webinar should you wish to attend both. Please don’t hesitate to contact with any questions.