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Roger Mullis

Call: 1987


Roger Mullis has a traditional and commercial chancery practice with an emphasis on property litigation (including commercial and residential landlord and tenant), contentious probate and administration of estates, family provision, trusts, and professional negligence litigation relating to the above areas of practice.

He appears regularly in the Court of Appeal, the Business and Property Courts of the High Court (before judges and masters), the Family Division (in family provision cases), in county courts and in the Court of Protection, the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chambers) and the Land Registry and Leasehold Property Tribunals.

"I am very grateful to Roger for his responsiveness and ability to provide advice at short notice and on discrete points. He has been advising on a case of ours for several years now and continues to demonstrate an excellent grasp of the issues and provide commercially sensible advice that is sensitive to the lay client's needs and objectives."
(Chancery: Traditional, Chambers HNW London Bar 2023)
"Roger is a master at getting to the heart of the issues in the case and strategically guiding the case to a successful conclusion. His rapport with clients is excellent. He is my go-to counsel for any civil and chancery work."
(Chancery: Traditional, Chambers HNW London Bar 2023)