If you are thinking about becoming a barrister, it makes sense to get as much exposure as you can to the areas of law that interest you. Our unassessed mini-pupillages offer the opportunity to shadow a member of chambers for one day and gain a real insight into life as a commercial and/or chancery barrister.
We think candidates with some legal knowledge get more out of our mini-pupillages, so applicants who are currently studying law at university, undertaking the GDL or have completed their legal studies are preferred. We are unable to offer mini-pupillages to applicants who are still at school, but we do work with school-age students on other initiatives, for example our Student Barrister Experience Programme.
We assess applications according to the following criteria:
As with pupillage, we encourage applications from candidates from all backgrounds. You can read about our commitment to diversity and inclusion here.
Unfortunately, we are generally unable to offer work experience outside of our official mini-pupillage scheme, our Student Barrister Experience Programme or the variety of diversity initiatives we participate in run by the Bar Council and other organisations.
This scheme is only available to those in their penultimate or final year of a law degree, undertaking the GDL or at a later stage. Applications should be made by application form and sent by email to minipupillage@radcliffechambers.com.
For further details about our mini-pupillage process, including deadlines for applications, please read our mini-pupillage policy.
This scheme is available to those in sixth form or the equivalent. This year our Student Barrister Experience is run in conjunction with the Social Mobility Foundation. Unless you have been accepted into the foundation then you will be unable to apply to our scheme. Please contact the foundation for details of the scheme here.
Financial assistance is available, on a discretionary basis, for those who would otherwise be unable to travel to and stay in London. Please see our mini-pupillage policy for full details.
In addition, Lincoln’s Inn runs a Mini-Pupillage Grant Scheme, which offers financial assistance to students who have secured a mini pupillage but need additional funds to complete it. Applications are open all year round. Further details are available here.