Junior Programme: Private Client

Private Client

Join us for Junior Programme:Private client webinar presented by Sophia Rogers and Matthew Mills on Thursday, 9 September 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. The webinar overview will be released shortly. Junior Programme events are aimed at recently qualified lawyers and consist of an hour long webinar covering topical issues such as recent case law. The […]

What’s my claim worth? Issues in professional negligence litigation

Favourite Cases: Target Holdings Ltd v Redferns [1996] AC 421 - Article and Video by Peter Dodge

Join us on Tuesday, 6 July at 11:00 AM for What’s my claim worth? Issues in professional negligence litigation hosted by Elizabeth Ovey, Wendy Mathers and Henry Day. During the webinar the speakers will discuss issues in professional negligence litigation generally prompted by their experience of litigation relating to pensions schemes in particular and in the light […]

Untangling encroachment and adverse possession (Radcliffe talks Real Estate)

Favourite Cases: Parker v British Airways Board - Article by Natalie Pratt

In this Radcliffe talks Real Estate webinar, Edward Hicks will explore the doctrine of encroachment by which tenants may obtain rights in their landlord’s or third party land beyond the extent of the demised premises, in particular in the context of a cynical land grab by the tenant. The discussion will include: • How the doctrine generally operates in […]

Untangling encroachment and adverse possession (Radcliffe talks Real Estate)


In this Radcliffe talks Real Estate webinar, Edward Hicks will explore the doctrine of encroachment by which tenants may obtain rights in their landlord’s or third party land beyond the extent of the demised premises, in particular in the context of a cynical land grab by the tenant. The discussion will include: • How the […]

An Introduction to Restructuring – Junior Programme: Restructuring

Valid or Invalid: The Debate Over Defendant Administrations Continues

Join us for ‘An Introduction to Restructuring’ Junior Programme: Restructuring presented by Lauren Kreamer and James Fagan on Friday, 21 May 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Lauren and James will present an introduction to, and overview of, the restructuring options available to companies in financial difficulty, particularly in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. This […]

Radcliffe Chambers Private Client Conference 2021

Private Client

*Selected sessions are available to watch on our YouTube channel.  Join Radcliffe Private Client for its 2021 conference, which will take place on Zoom, on the mornings of 16th and 17th June. Our programme is: Wednesday 16 June 10:30 – 10:35: Welcome from the Chair (Robert Pearce KC) 10:35 – 11:15: Trustees’ Decisions – how to make ’em, shake […]