Favourite Cases: Donoghue v Stevenson – Article by Elizabeth Ovey

Favourite Cases: Donoghue v Stevenson - Article by Elizabeth Ovey

In this edition of Favourite Cases, Elizabeth Ovey discusses the famous case of Donoghue v Stevenson, in which the House of Lords articulated the “neighbour” principle that has become the foundation of tortious liability for negligence. Elizabeth says: “It may be because I am writing this article on an extremely hot day when a refreshing […]

Favourite Cases: Re Grove-Grady – Article by Francesca Quint

Favourite Cases: Re Grove-Grady - Article by Francesca Quint 1

Studying Re Grove-Grady as a law student convinced Francesca Quint that charity law was her favourite subject. In Re Grove-Grady, the court held that it was not charitable to provide a nature sanctuary without human management because trusts for the benefit of animals were only charitable because of the moral lessons they provided to human […]

Out of time amendments – Article by Dov Ohrenstein

Virtual Restructuring and Insolvency Conference 2020

Dov Ohrenstein has written an article on the court’s approach to applications to amend claims outside of the relevant limitation period. You can read the article here. This article was first published in the April 2021 edition of Butterworth’s Journal of International Banking and Financial Law.

Competition disqualification: the court’s approach – Article by Christopher Buckley

The future of international commercial litigation post-Brexit

Christopher Buckley was invited by the Journal of European Competition Law and Practice to discuss the High Court’s approach to competition disqualification proceedings following Re Property Group (2010) Ltd. This was the court’s first competition disqualification order and a case that Christopher was involved in, acting for the defendant. The article considers the judgment in Re Property Group, […]

Favourite Cases: Salomon v Salomon – Video by Shantanu Majumdar KC

Favourite Cases: Salomon v Salomon - Video by Shantanu Majumdar KC

In this edition of Favourite Cases, Shantanu Majumdar KC explores the historic decision of the House of Lords in Salomon v Salomon [1897] AC 22, a case concerning a Victorian leather merchant and his business arrangements, which continues to reflect the general rule that companies have separate legal personalities to their members, however few those […]