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Challenging suspicious wills – Paper by Charles Holbech

The Residential Nil Rate Band: A Path through the Maze – Paper by Charles Holbech

There are a number of classic features common to probate claims where the validity of a will is challenged. A testator typically executes a new will in favour of one or more family members (often to the exclusion of others). The new will represents a significant departure from the terms of previous wills, which had […]

The Registration of Grant-Making Charities – Article by Matthew Mills

Charities 2

What are the requirements that a grant-making charity needs to meet in order to be registered in England and Wales? How, if at all, do they differ from the requirements for service-providing charities? Matthew Mills explores the difference and offers practical advice on grant-making policies in a recent article, which was first published by Key […]

Tainted Gifts – Article by Josh Lewison

Restructuring and Insolvency 1

Josh Lewison analyses the approaches available to charity trustees when they encounter tainted gifts, in an article recently published by Trusts and Estates Law & Tax Journal. You can read the full article here. This article was first published in Trusts and Estates Law & Tax Journal and is also available on