When arbitration and litigation overlap – Article by Shantanu Majumdar KC

What happens when arbitration and litigation overlap? Shantanu Majumdar KC explored the court’s role in arbitration in a recent article for NewLawJournal. You can read the full article on NewLawJournal’s website, here.
Brothers in Arms – Article by Daniel Burton

In a recent article for Trusts and Estates Law and Tax Journal, Daniel Burton considered the background and decision in Martin v Martin [2020] EWCH 49 (Ch), a farming inheritance dispute in which he acted for the claimant. You can read the full article here. This article was first published in Trusts and Estates Law & […]
Discovery (Northampton) Ltd and other companies v Debenhams Retail Ltd and others – Article by Kate Rogers

When will the insolvency court review, rescind or vary any order made by it? Kate Rogers explores the recent decision of Discovery (Northampton) Ltd and other companies v Debenhams Retail Ltd and others [2020] EWHC 260 (Ch ), in an article first published by Lexis®PSL on 2 27/02/2020. You can read Kate’s full analysis here.
Challenging suspicious wills – Paper by Charles Holbech

There are a number of classic features common to probate claims where the validity of a will is challenged. A testator typically executes a new will in favour of one or more family members (often to the exclusion of others). The new will represents a significant departure from the terms of previous wills, which had […]
Are UK insolvency laws fit for purpose? – Matthew Weaver writes for the Law Society Gazette

Matthew Weaver was invited by the Law Society Gazette to reflect on government proposals for reforming insolvency law in the context of the high number of insolvencies that occurred in 2019. What changes need to be made to ensure the UK legal system is fit for purpose and should we look to the US for […]
The Registration of Grant-Making Charities – Article by Matthew Mills

What are the requirements that a grant-making charity needs to meet in order to be registered in England and Wales? How, if at all, do they differ from the requirements for service-providing charities? Matthew Mills explores the difference and offers practical advice on grant-making policies in a recent article, which was first published by Key […]
The definition of “grandchild” in US inheritance disputes – Article by Josh Lewison

Josh Lewison discussed the definition of “grandchild” in US inheritance disputes in an article for STEP Journal. You can read the article here. This article was originally published as Josh Lewison, ‘What’s in a word?’, STEP Journal (Vol27 Iss9), pp.57-59, and is reproduced with the kind permission of STEP Journal.
Costs and Co-operation: What Tenants Must do to Assist with Fire Safety – Article by Matthew Mills

Matthew Mills’ article on tenants’ obligations under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 featured in Landlord & Tenant Review. You can read the full article here. This material was first published by Thomson Reuters, trading as Sweet & Maxwell, 5 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AQ, in the Landlord and Tenant Review as […]
Aluminium, Fish and Some Unusual Collateral: The Pitfalls of Lending on Security of Your Own Shares – Article by Shantanu Majumdar

This article, by Shantanu Majumdar, first appeared in the August 2011 edition of Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law and considers the legal issues relating to the collapse of Iceland’s banking system. Please click here to download this article. Please click here to view Shantanu Majumdar’s profile.
Claiming an interest in someone else’s property (Sandford v Oliver) – Article by Matthew Mills

Matthew Mills’ article on Sandford v Oliver, a constructive trust decision involving a family home, was recently published by Lexis PSL Private Client. You can read his analysis here. This article was first published on Lexis® PSL Private Client on 23 September 2019. Click for a free trial of Lexis®PSL.