Charles Holbech’s talk for the Professional Negligence Lawyers Association London Conference 2019

Charles Holbech gave a wills and probate negligence update at the Professional Negligence Lawyers Association London Conference on 9 October 2019. The text of that update is available here.
Tainted Gifts – Article by Josh Lewison

Josh Lewison analyses the approaches available to charity trustees when they encounter tainted gifts, in an article recently published by Trusts and Estates Law & Tax Journal. You can read the full article here. This article was first published in Trusts and Estates Law & Tax Journal and is also available on
Can directors appoint administrators outside of court opening hours? – Article by Catherine Doran

Catherine Doran discusses whether directors can appoint administrators outside of court opening hours following her recent case in which a notice of appointment was filed at 4.37pm. You can read the full article here.
Activist investors: persuasion and pressure – Article by Peter Dodge

In an article for Practical Law, Peter Dodge considered the high profile failed attempt to appoint an activist investor as director at the recent AGM of Barclays plc. You can read the full article here.
Autonomy: two jurisdictions, two cases – Article by Shantanu Majumdar

Shantanu Majumdar’s article titled Autonomy: two jurisdictions, two cases, which discusses the relevance of criminal proceedings in civil fraud claims by reference to HP’s Autonomy claim in the High Court, has recently been published in the ICAEW’s Economia journal. You can read the full article here.
Court Authorisation of Self-Dealing by Trustees in the Light of Chaston v Chaston – Article by Charles Holbech

In this article Charles Holbech considers the recent case of Chaston v Chaston [2018] EWHC 1672 (Ch) in which the Court authorised a sale at valuation to a beneficiary of a property of which the beneficiary was also a trustee, despite opposition from two beneficiaries who were pressing for a sale on the open market. […]
New Guidance from the FCA on the Fairness of Variation Terms in Consumer Contracts – Article by Malcolm Waters KC

In an article for the Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, Malcolm Waters KC recently analysed the new guidance from the FCA on the fairness of variation terms in financial services consumer contracts. You can read the article here.
The Residential Nil Rate Band: A Path through the Maze – Paper by Charles Holbech

In late 2015, the Government introduced an additional nil rate band for inheritance tax purposes applying where a deceased person’s interest in their residence is “closely inherited” by their children and other descendants, known as the residential nil rate band (“RNRB”). The objective was to meet the criticism that the estates of persons, who are […]
Can a creditor with a disputed debt apply for an administration order? – Article by Kate Rogers
Radcliffe Chambers barrister, Kate Rogers, discusses whether a creditor with a disputed debt can apply for an administration order, based on the recent case ‘Berkshire Homes (Northern) Ltd v Newbury Venture Capital Ltd’, in which Matthew Weaver, also a member of Radcliffe Chambers appeared for the successful applicant. Kate’s article explores the factual background and key […]
Discharging a Court of Protection Security Bond After P Dies – Article by Matthew Mills

Matthew Mills’ article titled ‘Discharging a Court of Protection Security Bond After P Dies’ was recently featured in ‘Private Client Business’, published by Sweet & Maxwell. You can read the full article here.