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Court of Appeal hands down judgment in British Airways pension scheme litigation

British Airways Plc v Airways Pension Scheme Trustee Limited [2018] EWCA Civ 1533 Keith Rowley KC and Henry Day acted for the Trustee of the Airways Pension Scheme in British Airways’ appeal against the first instance decision of Mr Justice Morgan ([2017] EWHC 1191 (Ch)). The appeal concerned whether the Scheme had been effectively amended […]

HHJ Roger Cooke – Former Head of 11 New Square

Radcliffe Chambers is sad to mark the passing of a much-loved former head of chambers, Roger Cooke. Roger had a heavy practice in the core private client and property areas of chambers, specialising particularly in probate actions. His cross-examination in Re Simpson, where the deceased had been the renowned Home Office pathologist, destroyed the widow’s […]

Mark West appointed to be a Judge of the Upper Tribunal

Radcliffe Chambers congratulates Mark West on his appointment by the Queen to be a Judge of the Upper Tribunal. Mark was called to the Bar in 1987 by Middle Temple and has practised in the areas of property litigation, trusts and estates disputes and professional liability for over 30 years. He has appeared in such […]

Income Tax Enquiry Procedures

Kate Selway, a member of the Attorney General’s A Panel of counsel, successfully represented HMRC in two First Tier Tribunal tax appeals (Reid & Emblin-v-HMRC) which concerned the correct procedures to be applied by HMRC under sections 9A and 12AC of the Taxes Management Act 1970 on the opening and closing of enquiries into taxpayers’ self-assessment tax returns, how […]

Increases to pensions in payment: validity of grant, estoppel and limitation

Keith Rowley Q.C. and Elizabeth Ovey appeared for the principal employer in a Part 8 claim raising questions about the validity of the grant of increases to pensions earned by service before 6 April 1997 and consequential matters. The increases were purportedly awarded in 1992 and were paid for many years before it was appreciated […]