Clitheroe v Bond

Junior Programme: Private Client - 11 September 2020

On Wednesday 12 May 2021 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, join Tom Dumont KC and Ed Hicks of Radcliffe Chambers together with Amanda Smallcombe of Birkett Long, discussing the judgment of Mrs Justice Falk in Clitheroe v Bond [2021] EWHC 1102 (Ch), in which they represented the successful respondent. The appeal concerned the validity of two wills of the deceased, which effectively […]

‘Service Charge 101’ and ‘Residential Repossessions: A Practical Refresher’ – Junior Programme: Property

Real Estate

Join us for Junior Programme: Property webinar presented by Natalie Pratt and James Fagan on Thursday, 13 May 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Natalie will present an introduction to, and overview of, service charges and related disputes. James will present a refresher on obtaining repossession of residential leasehold properties and enforcing possession orders. Junior Programme events are aimed at recently qualified lawyers and […]

Third Party Costs Orders Against Insurers – Where Do things Stand After Travelers?

Favourite Cases: Target Holdings Ltd v Redferns [1996] AC 421 - Article and Video by Peter Dodge

For a short time, following the decisions of Foskett J in Giambrone and the Court of Appeal in Travelers, it looked as though the scope for obtaining third party costs orders against insurers was much wider than had previously been appreciated. Then the Supreme Court decided Travelers. On Tuesday, 20 April 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM,  Jeremy Cousins KC and Shantanu […]

Junior Programme: Commercial

The future of international commercial litigation post-Brexit

Join us for Junior Programme: Commercial webinar presented by Poppy Rimington-Pounder and James Fagan on Thursday, 15 April 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Poppy will be considering when a parent company may be found liable for the acts of its subsidiary, and considering the recent Supreme Court case of Okpabi and others v Royal Dutch […]

LIDW21 Member-hosted Event: Sanctions and Disputes

LIDW21 Member-hosted Event: Sanctions and Disputes

We are delighted to be co-hosting this online event with ThoughtLeaders4Disputes, 10:00AM – 11:00AM, 14 May 2021, as part of London International Disputes Week. The webinar will feature a presentation and discussion on current issues in the world of economic sanctions with particular emphasis on the effect of sanctions on legal rights and proceedings to […]

Valid or Invalid: The Debate Over Defective Administrations Continues

Valid or Invalid: The Debate Over Defendant Administrations Continues

Radcliffe Chambers and Katten Muchin Rosenman UK LLP are delighted to invite you to Valid or invalid? The debate over defective administration appointments continues on Thursday, 25 March at 5 PM. Our speakers will consider the decisions in JCAM Commercial Real Estate Property XV Ltd v Davis Haulage Ltd [2018] EWCA Civ 276, Re Tokenhouse VB Ltd [2020] EWHC […]

Pro- and anti-member trends in judicial decision-making – some recent cases

Covid 19, remote execution and forged wills

Are the courts pro-member when deciding pensions cases? Sometimes it seems that the underlying and unexpressed rationale for a decision is the court’s unspoken sympathy for the position of one or other party. You are invited to explore this issue through a discussion of some recent pensions cases at a seminar presented by Oliver Hilton, […]

Junior Programme: Private Client

Junior Programme: Private Client - 11 September 2020

Our next Junior Programme: Private Client webinar will be presented by Sophia Rogers and Matthew Mills on Thursday 4 March, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Matt will discuss claims to remove trustees and personal representatives including a review of key principles and recent cases. Sophia will explore the core principles and case law concerning recovery […]

Radcliffe Chambers Private Client Conference 2021

Junior Programme: Private Client - 11 September 2020

Join Radcliffe Private Client for its 2021 conference, which will take place on Zoom, on the mornings of 16th and 17th June. Our programme is: Wednesday 16 June 10:30 – 10:35: Welcome from the Chair (Robert Pearce KC) 10:35 – 11:15: Trustees’ Decisions – how to make ’em, shake ’em and break ’em (Thomas Dumont KC, Marie-Claire Bleasdale, Daniel Burton with […]