Options on avoiding insolvency – Article by David Mohyuddin KC

David Mohyuddin KC was invited by Elite Business to explain what early action businesses can take to avoid insolvency, particularly in light of the recent extension to corporate insolvency measures. Read more here.
Favourite Cases: Bernstein v Skyviews – Article by Catherine Doran

One of Catherine Doran‘s favourite cases is Bernstein v Skyviews, a 1970s dispute concerning trespass to airspace and privacy, which involves issues relevant to the current debate on drone use. Catherine says: “I have chosen this case that many will remember from their legal studies because we see 20th Century technology colliding with 13th Century […]
Video: Valid or Invalid: The Debate Over Defective Administration Appointments Continues

Radcliffe Chambers and Katten Muchin Rosenman UK LLP are delighted to present, ‘Valid or invalid? The debate over defective administration appointments continues’. Our speakers consider the decisions in JCAM Commercial Real Estate Property XV Ltd v Davis Haulage Ltd [2018] EWCA Civ 276, Re Tokenhouse VB Ltd [2020] EWHC 3171 (Ch) and Re Seabrook Road […]
Favourite Cases: Re Cathcart – Article by Justin Holmes

We are delighted to introduce Favourite Cases, a new project for August, which takes a look at interesting and important chancery and commercial decisions. Our first contributor is Justin Holmes with Re Cathcart, an 1890s case that established the unusual general costs rule which still applies in Court of Protection property and affairs litigation. Justin […]
Video: Rating and valuation

Why insolvency proceedings should be your last resort – Article by David Mohyuddin KC

David Mohyuddin KC was invited by Director of Finance to discuss what the extension of the corporate insolvency legislation will mean for companies in financial distress – is it something they should rely on? You can read the piece here.
What options are at hand for financially distressed employers? – Article by David Mohyuddin KC

David Mohyuddin KC was invited by Acquistion International to discuss all the restructuring options available to struggling and financially distressed employers to help them stay afloat, save jobs and avoid insolvency. Subscribers can read the piece here.
Video: Recent cases about dividends, remuneration and homes

Video: Case law updates – BCB Environmental Management Limited

Video: Property litigation in a COVID-19 world