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Favourite Cases: Re Cathcart – Article by Justin Holmes

Favourite Cases: Re Cathcart - Article by Justin Holmes

We are delighted to introduce Favourite Cases, a new project for August, which takes a look at interesting and important chancery and commercial decisions. Our first contributor is Justin Holmes with Re Cathcart, an 1890s case that established the unusual general costs rule which still applies in Court of Protection property and affairs litigation. Justin […]

Safeway Ltd v Newton [2020] EWCA Civ 869 – Article by Henry Day

Pensions 1

When does a pension scheme’s Barber window close? Henry Day considers the Court of Appeal’s second judgment in Safeway v Newton, handed down earlier this week, and its implications for schemes with historic benefit equalisation issues, in an article for Lexis®PSL. Subscribers can read the article here.