Video: Charity trustees: powers, duties and control by the court


In this webinar Robert Pearce KC discusses the current law relating to the control of charity trustees by the court in the light of the decision of the Supreme Court in Lehtimaki v Cooper. Matthew Mills then discusses the key sources and recent authorities on how charity trustees should exercise their powers and discharge their […]

The New Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill – Article by Kate Rogers

Real Estate 1

This briefing by Kate Rogers gives a short overview of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill, which was first read in the House of Commons on 20 May 2020 and is intended to proceed to the House of Lords following its final stages in the House of Commons on 3 June 2020. This Bill represents […]

Adams v Options SIPP UK LLP – Article by Henry Day

Pensions 1

The long-anticipated judgment in Adams v Options SIPP UK LLP, addressing the much discussed question of the duties owed by SIPP providers to their clients, was handed down by The High Court on 18 May 2020. Henry Day considers the decision and its implications in this article for LexisPSL. Subscribers can read the article here.