Favourite Cases: Allcard v Skinner (1887) 36 Ch D 145 – Video by Kate Selway KC

In this edition of Favourite Cases, Kate Selway KC talks about undue influence in the case of Allcard v Skinner (1887) 36 Ch D 145. Kate says: “Allcard v Skinner is one of my favourites because it helped me to understand the breadth and adaptability of the equitable Doctrine of Undue Influence. It concerns a […]
Favourite Cases: Re Cathcart – Article by Justin Holmes

We are delighted to introduce Favourite Cases, a new project for August, which takes a look at interesting and important chancery and commercial decisions. Our first contributor is Justin Holmes with Re Cathcart, an 1890s case that established the unusual general costs rule which still applies in Court of Protection property and affairs litigation. Justin […]
Protecting your clients against undue influence claims – Article by Marie-Claire Bleasdale

Marie-Claire Bleasdale was invited by STEP Journal to give practical advice to practitioners on how to protect their clients against unjust claims of undue influence in court. Subscribers can read Marie-Claire’s piece here.
James Fagan

Before joining the Bar, James trained and practised as a solicitor in the litigation department of a leading US law firm in its London and Hong Kong offices. During his time as a solicitor, James gained experience of advising clients on a variety of commercial disputes with international dimensions. Between 2017 and 2018, James was […]
Video: Testamentary capacity and will-making in other jurisdictions

Junior Programme: Private Client – 14th May 2020

Our Junior Programme: Private Client webinar takes places on Thursday 14th May, 11:00 – 12:00. Jonathan Edwards will be discussing testamentary capacity, how it is proved by evidence, and the special situation of a loss of capacity between giving instructions for the will and executing it. Poppy Rimington-Pounder will be examining the formalities for making […]
Grand View Private Trust Co Ltd v Wong, Wen Young & Ors

The Bermudian Court of Appeal has handed down a landmark judgment in Grand View Private Trust Co Ltd v Wong, Wen Young & Ors, reversing the decision of the Bermudian Supreme Court and rejecting any limitation on the exercise of trustees’ powers to add and remove beneficiaries by reference to the so-called “substratum” of the trust. In the […]
Natalie Pratt

In particular, Natalie appeared in Teledyne UK Limited v Gao & Ors [2024] EWHC 3538 (KB), Thurrock Council & Anr v Adams & Ors [2024] EWHC 2576 (KB) and [2024] EWHC 2750 (KB), Arla Foods Limited & Anr v Persons Unknown & Ors [2024] EWHC 1952 (Ch) and Wolverhampton City Council & Ors v London […]
Challenging suspicious wills – Paper by Charles Holbech

There are a number of classic features common to probate claims where the validity of a will is challenged. A testator typically executes a new will in favour of one or more family members (often to the exclusion of others). The new will represents a significant departure from the terms of previous wills, which had […]
The definition of “grandchild” in US inheritance disputes – Article by Josh Lewison

Josh Lewison discussed the definition of “grandchild” in US inheritance disputes in an article for STEP Journal. You can read the article here. This article was originally published as Josh Lewison, ‘What’s in a word?’, STEP Journal (Vol27 Iss9), pp.57-59, and is reproduced with the kind permission of STEP Journal.