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I(PFD)A 1975 Act cases and CFA success fees – Article by Kate Selway KC

Junior Programme: Private Client - 11 September 2020

The Court of Appeal will shortly give judgment in a case involving one of our members, Sophia Rogers; a much anticipated decision on the interaction between CFA success fees and awards for reasonable provision under the 1975 Act. This will be an important decision for all those who practise in this area of law. To […]

Dawson & Ors v Dawson & Ors [2022] EWHC 341 (Ch)

Dawson & Ors v Dawson & Ors [2022] EWHC 341 (Ch)

On 18 February 2022, Deputy Master Rhys handed down judgment in Dawson & Ors v Dawson & Ors [2022] EWHC 341 (Ch), a claim to prove a lost will in solemn form, and a counterclaim in proprietary estoppel. The Claimants were the wife and son of the Deceased and the named executors, and the Defendants […]

Video: ‘Proprietary Estoppel and Family Assets’ and ‘Revoking Wills’

Video: 'Proprietary Estoppel and Family Assets' and 'Revoking Wills'

During this webinar, Jonathan discusses the principles of proprietary estoppel as they have been applied in recent years, particularly in relation to family homes and farms, and how to assess the strength of the claim and whether the court is likely to award everything that was expected or only something less. Emma examines the different […]

Bishop of Leeds v. Dixon Coles & Gill – solicitors’ fraud and limitations

Private Client 1

Thomas Dumont KC (assisted by Poppy Rimington-Pounder, also of Radcliffe Chambers) and Derek Bambury & Lisa Henty of Browne Jacobson LLP succeeded in the Court of Appeal today in establishing that solicitors can (despite Lewin on Trustees’ view to the contrary) rely on the innocent trustees’ 6-year limitation period, even when their fraudulent partner had […]

Video: Beddoes and blessings – whether and whither? (Private Client Conference 2021)

Video: 4

  Marcus Flavin discusses some recent interesting blessing and Beddoe decisions from Jersey and Henry Day considers some points arising from that aspect of the British Airways pension litigation, including the availability of Beddoe relief for appeals and the effect of a Beddoe order on settlement approval. This webinar is part of the Radcliffe Chambers […]