Hampshire County Council pays Mrs Marion Feltham a six-figure sum in compensation

Hampshire County Council pays Mrs Marion Feltham a six-figure sum in compensation

Hampshire County Council pays Mrs Marion Feltham a six-figure sum in compensation, together with her costs, to settle Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) 2021-593, a reference due to have been heard over three days in November 2022. Clive Moys, instructed by Colin Passam of Burgate Litigation Services, advised and represented Mrs Feltham through-out. The case arose […]

Louis Grandjouan

Louis formerly practised in the London and New York offices of a leading US law firm, where he worked primarily on cross-border finance and restructuring transactions. He is admitted as a solicitor (England & Wales – non-practising) and attorney (New York). In 2020-2021, Louis was the judicial assistant to Lord Stephens in the UK Supreme […]

Jamie Cockfield

Jamie Cockfield 2

His recent cases include: Otitoju v Onwordi [2023] EWHC 2665 (Ch): Jamie acted for the Claimant in the case of Otitoju v Onwordi, in the High Court before (HHJ) Paul Matthews. The case an application for an injunction and order pursuant to s.116 of the Senior Courts Act 1981 involving a burial dispute over which […]

(1) Thurrock Council (2) Essex County Council v Persons Unknown & Ors

(1) Thurrock Council (2) Essex County Council v Persons Unknown & Ors

Caroline Bolton and Natalie Pratt were instructed on behalf of Thurrock Council and Essex County Council and secured urgent injunctive relief on 24 April 2022 to restrain acts (and also apprehended acts) of trespass and public nuisance on the highway, which had occurred in connection with recent anti fossil fuel protests linked to the Just […]

Proprietary Estoppel and Farming Cases and Unlawful interference with land – Junior Programme: Real Estate

Proprietary Estoppel and Farming Cases and Unlawful interference with land - Junior Programme: Real Estate

Junior Programme: Property webinar on “Proprietary Estoppel and Farming Cases” and “Unlawful interference with land” presented by Jonathan Edwards and Natalie Pratt. Proprietary Estoppel and Farming Cases Jonathan Edwards will discuss how the court weighs up proprietary estoppel claims and decides what relief to grant in farming cases, looking specifically at some of the more […]

Video: Untangling encroachment and adverse possession (Radcliffe talks Real Estate)

Video: Untangling encroachment and adverse possession (Radcliffe talks Real Estate)

In this Radcliffe talks Real Estate webinar, Edward Hicks explores the doctrine of encroachment by which tenants may obtain rights in their landlord’s or third party land beyond the extent of the demised premises, in particular in the context of a cynical land grab by the tenant. The discussion includes: How the doctrine generally operates […]