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Taj v Ali [2020] EWHC 213 Fam


Tom Dumont KC was recently successful acting for the Beneficiaries of an Estate worth many tens of millions of pounds, in upholding a rare appeal on a probate issue, before Mr Justice MacDonald in the Family Division. The Beneficiaries were asking for an account from the Executor, who had not accounted for over 10 years, […]

In re Tantular [2020] JCA013

Private Client 1

Jeremy Cousins KC instructed by Hanson Advocates in Jersey, and in conjunction with Acies Law in Singapore, successfully worked together on the important and interesting Jersey Court of Appeal case of In re Tantular [2020] JCA013. It arose under the Proceeds of Crime (Jersey) Law 1999. The first point was whether a Jersey saisie judiciaire […]

Hughie Sykes v Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and Runnymede Borough Council [2020] EWHC 112 (Admin)

Real Estate

Caroline Bolton acting for Runnymede Borough Council has successfully defended a decision of a Planning Inspector to refuse retrospective planning permission for the development of  a 13 plot residential gypsy caravan site in the Green Belt. Runnymede Borough Council decided to defend the proceedings in the High Court and contest the travellers’ section 288 appeal. […]

Bromley v Persons Unknown & Others [2020] EWCA Civ 12

Caroline Bolton, a member of Radcliffe Chambers’ local government team, acted for the fourth intervener in the Court of Appeal in Bromley v Persons Unknown and Others. The case concerned a de facto borough-wide travellers injunction, pursuant to section 187B Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and Section 222 Local Government Act 1972. In this […]

High Court approves settlement of BA pension scheme litigation


Airways Pension Scheme Trustee Ltd v (1) Fielder (2) British Airways plc [2019] EWHC 3032 (Ch) and [2019] EWHC [3027] (Ch) The long-running litigation between British Airways and the trustee of one of its pension schemes has been brought to an end with the approval by Mr Justice Zacaroli of the trustee’s decision to settle […]

Re Fourfront Group Ltd [2019] EWHC 3318 (Ch)

Christopher Buckley represented the successful applicants in Re Fourfront Group Ltd [2019] EWHC 3318 (Ch), the first application under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 for permission to act as a director where the disqualifications had been made as a result of a competition law investigation. The applicants were directors of the Fourfront Group, which admitted to […]