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Interpretation, Rectification, and Variation: Choosing the Right Tool for the Will

In this Junior Programme: Private Client, Amber Turner provides an overview of the different processes of interpretation and rectification in relation to wills. The talk considers some of the circumstances in which each can be useful to practitioners dealing with the administration of estates, as well as what to look out for when using these […]

Commercial Insights Webinar Series – Civil Fraud Roundup: 2023 – webinar and podcast

In this episode of the Radcliffe Chambers Commercial Insights Webinar Series, Zachary Kell and Alexander Kingston-Splatt provide an overview of some of the most important civil fraud cases of 2023. The presentation slides are available to download, here. The recording of the webinar is available to watch on our YouTube channel, here: You can also listen to […]

Otitoju v Onwordi [2023] EWHC 2665 (Ch)

Jamie Cockfield appeared for the Claimant in Otitoju v Onwordi [2023] EWHC 2665 (Ch) challenging the right of the executors to take control and possession of the body of the Deceased, Peter Otitoju, who died aged on 8 August 2023. The Claimant is the youngest daughter of the Deceased. The Claimant challenged the validity of […]

Are leveraged LDI strategies lawful? How the courts would construe reg 5 of the OPSRs? – Article by Keith Rowley KC and Elizabeth Ovey

In the article, ‘Are leveraged LDI strategies lawful? How the courts would construe reg 5 of the OPSRs?’, written for Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, Keith Rowley KC and Elizabeth Ovey consider whether repos constitute borrowing within reg 5 of the Occupational Pension Schemes (Investment) Regulations 2005 and offer some reflections on […]

From Dust to Dissolution: Fraudulent Trading, Restoration and Carbon Credits in Tradition Financial Services Ltd v Bilta (UK) Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 112 and Bankruptcy annulments: common pitfalls for bankrupts, creditors and trustees – podcast and presentation slides

In this Junior Programme: Civil Fraud and Insolvency Zachary Kell and Lauren Kreamer present on ‘From Dust to Dissolution: Fraudulent Trading, Restoration and Carbon Credits in Tradition Financial Services Ltd v Bilta (UK) Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 112′ and ‘Bankruptcy annulments: common pitfalls for bankrupts, creditors and trustees’. Please find the presentation slides here. The recording of […]

Privilege in Corporate Investigations and Navigating Knowledge – establishing knowledge in claims for breach of directors’ duties – podcast and presentation slides

In this Junior Programme: Insolvency and Commercial Katie Longstaff and James Fagan present on ‘Navigating knowledge – establishing knowledge in claims for breach of directors’ duties’ and ‘Privilege in Corporate Investigations’. Please find the presentation slides here. The recording of this seminar is available on the Radcliffe Chambers Podcast, here. Please subscribe to be notified […]