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Protection of the environment in which we live and operate is part of Radcliffe Chambers’ values and principles and we consider it to be sound business practice. Care for the environment is one of our key responsibilities and an important part of the way in which we do business.

With this in mind Radcliffe Chambers is Member of the Bar Sustainability Network 2021 – working in conjunction with Achill Management, and we are very committed to being carbon neutral by 2030.

We are committed to:

  • Complying with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and approved codes of practice.
  • Protecting the environment by striving to prevent and minimise our contribution to pollution of land, air, and water.
  • Seeking to keep wastage to a minimum and maximise the efficient use of materials and resources.
  • Managing and disposing of all waste in a responsible manner.
  • Providing training for our staff so that we all work in accordance with this policy statement and within an environmentally aware culture.
  • Regularly communicating our environmental performance to our members, pupils, employees and other significant stakeholders.
  • Developing our management processes to ensure that environmental factors are considered during planning and implementation.
  • Monitoring and continuously improving our environmental performance.

The nature of our work means that we do not inherently have a high environmental impact but we will take consideration of environmental issues in the professional services we provide and endeavour to reduce our environmental impact to an absolute minimum.

Our Sustainability Action Plan 2023

We are working to reduce our carbon emissions year on year, from our 2018 baseline. Further details of our carbon reduction targets will be published shortly.

Our sustainability action plan for the year includes:

  • reducing emissions relating to travel – by utilising the gains made in virtual working during the pandemic, and using more sustainable forms of transport
  • projects in Chambers and day to day operations – including continued work on printing, recycling, efficient use of equipment, and reducing our use of couriers and reliance on single use item
  • increasing our use of environmentally sustainable suppliers
  • working with suppliers and clients to encourage the measurement and reduction of carbon footprints.