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Radcliffe Chambers Real Estate Talk – ‘Actionable Infringements of Right to Light: What developers and objectors need to know’

Join us for ‘Actionable Infringements of Right to Light: What developers and objectors need to know’ presented by Clive Moys and Jerome Webb MA. FRICS from GIA Surveyors, on Thursday, 5th October, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM hosted on Zoom.

The threat of legal proceedings alleging that a right to light has been, or will be, infringed by neighbouring development may be on the increase. Such action can significantly impact a development scheme – stopping it, slowing it down, or altering its built form. The financial ramifications, together with the unpredictability as to the potential relief that a court could award, may have caused a reduction in the risk appetite of insurers.

The discussion will be both introductory and general but also cover issues relevant to those more experienced in property development.

This webinar will be hosted on Zoom. You can sign up via Zoom’s website here.

Please email if you would like to extend this invitation to a colleague or would like some further information.