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“Gadsden and Cousins on Commons and Greens” published by Sweet & Maxwell

“Gadsden and Cousins on Commons and Greens” was published by Sweet & Maxwell in its Property and Conveyancing Library series in March 2020. The book was edited by Edward Cousins, who is named in its title, with Richard Honey and Hugh Craddock. It is now in its third edition and is recognised as the leading text on the law of town village greens and common land and the rights and responsibilities associated with it. “Gadsden and Cousins” seeks to provide a detailed analysis and explanation of the law as it relates common land and town or village greens which are registered, or eligible for registration in England and Wales, under either the Commons Registration Act 1965, or the new provisions introduced by the Commons Act 2006.

For further details please visit Sweet & Maxwell’s website, here.

Edward Cousins is an Associate Member of Radcliffe Chambers, where he acts as a Legal Adviser, Mediator and Arbitrator. He was previously the Principal Judge of the Land Registration Division of the Property Chamber and a Chancery barrister in Lincoln’s Inn. He is a specialist property and planning lawyer, with particular expertise in markets and fairs, including street trading; land registration; commons and town and village greens; manorial rights; and mines and minerals.